Lavender Essential Oil Blend Overview
Botanical Name: Lavandula officinalis
Plant Part: Flowers
Origin: France
Processing Method: Steam Distillation
Description / Color / Consistency: A thin, clear, colourless to pale yellow liquid.
Lavender Blend Essential Oil Aromatics: A top note of strong aroma, Lavender Blend has a fresh, herbaceous, floral scent with a woody, balsamic undertone.
Blends well with the following: Bay, Bergamot, Chamomile, Citronella, Clary Sage, Geranium, Jasmine, Lemon, Mandarin, Orange, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Pine, Thyme, Rosemary, Rosewood and Ylang-ylang.
The Lavender plant grows to about one meter in height and produces long thin purple- blue flowers. The entire plant is covered with oil glands, which are in the star shaped hairs that cover the plant. Lavender has been used since ancient times, and the Romans added lavender to their bath water, hence the name from the Latin lavare, ‘to wash’. Lavender Blend Essential Oil has the most floral scent of all the Lavenders and is a blend of various lavenders to achieve an economical product.
* While the vast majority of Lavender Blend in the market is synthetically compounded, our Lavender Blend is comprised of 100% natural constituents and is blended to match the ideal percentage of Linalool and Linalyl acetate esters, to release the best of Lavender’s floral notes. Though this oil is generally not used for therapeutic applications, it is often the Lavender of choice for soaps, candles, perfumes and cosmetics.
Cautions: Dilute before use; for external use only. May cause skin irritation in some individuals; a skin test is recommended prior to use. Contact with eyes should be avoided.
All Crystal Korp Essential Oils are for external use only unless otherwise indicated.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, and it should not be used by anyone who is pregnant or under the care of a medical practitioner.